Last update to our questions: 9/31/16
FAA Private Pilot Question Bank: 09/28/16
We update our questions as often as the FAA updates their questions bank, or as often you report new questions to us.

100% Free Lessons!

Heard the saying, "Try before you buy!"
We decided to take that up a notch...

How about, never buy! Just use it all for free!

We know what flight training costs... it ain't cheap. So, we want to offer you a way to study and learn for free. So, jump in, learn! Forget about money. Start out with one of these lessons, if you'd like:

free free

We've made all are content, starting with Lesson 1 - Aerodynamics of Flight and Lesson 2 - Aircraft Instruments available completely free of charge. That means you'll get completely free access to the lesson outlines, the Ascent Quick Quizzes, the Ascent eFlash Cards, and, even the Lesson Quizzes and Question Forums for all of our lessons. Soup to nuts!

Everything in, and linked to these two lessons is available completely for free! So, you can get in and really get a feel for the course and how the features of the Ascent Online Ground Schools work.

We have sprinkled a few ads into the free content, not to be pushy, but just to make a little for our effort.
But, really, we think it's a pretty fair trade-off.

But, rest assured, you can work your way through the studies without dropping an extra nickle.

Alright. What are you waiting for? Go give them a try!